Making Math Make Sense...2.0
It's hard to believe it was almost 6 years ago that Hilty Consulting was born. In just a few weeks, I filed paperwork to start a company, created a logo, contacted prospective schools, and built a website. By far, building the website was the most challenging mountain to climb! Over the years, with the help of several family members, the website went through a redesign, and for the most part, it did what I intended it to do: store resources for all of you to access. I know most of you hated the passwords. I promise you, they made sense in my head! Obviously, they didn't to anyone else, especially those who kept sending me texts and emails asking for the passwords again.
Well, the time has come for Making Math Make Sense to get a new home. With the help of a web designer, I have finally handed over the reins of the website. I am super excited for all of you to check out the new features. It's been a long time coming, and my hope is you will find it way easier to access what you are looking for.
Most of you know I refer to Emily Kappel as my "partner in crime." Without her, most of the ideas in my head, and the ones all of you give me, wouldn't be brought to life. Or, if they were, they wouldn't look nearly as good or professional. Emily and I have partnered to create the "Meaningful, Sense-driven Math Membership." This is the part of the website where we will store all our resources. There are three different tiers to the membership. The basic level is free and will give you access to a few of our games and activities. If you join the advanced level, you will receive access to most of our PDF resources. As you know, we have quite a few of those! For those of you who enjoy what you see from us, you will want to join the accelerated level. This level gives you access to all our materials, including our Daily Number Sense Routine items for PreK-Middle School and all of our videos.
Emily and I are busy planning different ways to use our new resources. After the holidays, we will hold live Math Chats, inviting people to discuss different topics. These Math Chats will be free to anyone with an advanced or accelerated membership. We will also have a special spot for you to "Ask the Experts." As we receive your questions, we will post the questions along with our responses for all members to view. We have many resource projects going on behind the scenes as well. We are busy creating more calendar date cards which will get released next summer, we are working on recording different video series to help support different concepts, and we are always looking to create more games.
Another special feature of the site is that you can now, for the first time (from me), purchase the book I co-authored with Eliza Thomas, Time's Up On Timed Tests! Many of you ask how you can get your hands on it and I've had to send you to different sources. I can now send you to my website! I am also featuring Eliza's book, Math Play. Both are available for purchase as E-books.
A special thank you goes out to all of you who have patiently been waiting for this to happen. I know I've been talking about it all year as I've visited you. The wait is finally over! Go explore, and let me know what you think!